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baaabyG I R L

& muay thai
& muay thai
& muay thai
& muay thai



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Jul 1, 2008 | 7:23 PM

My love for 'em runs deep.
I ain't talking 'bout them 2 week old kinda friendships.
Or the "I-got-you-but-when-a-fat-chick-wants-to-buck-I'm-the-first-one-out"
kinda thangs going on. I'm talking 'bout the kinda love that's OUT THERE,
more extra than the biggest cyattie in your school. The kind that's worse
than the couple at the mall not giving a damn with their PDA.
The kinda oldschool love that goes beyond what you used to have for the Backstreet
Boys (Don't even lie to yourself now, you knwo you went buckwild.)
The love that is always unconditional & comforting.
Cause it's that kinda love that cuddles with you when you're crying 'bout
how much of a bastard you're boyfriend is. The girls that help pick up all the
peices of your heart and count sheep with you when you can't sleep.
The bunch of chicks that are straight up to you no matter the situation.
The group that knows you inside out - your family history, your personality,
your bank card, your postal code. LOL yeah intense shit like that.
So regardless of what I say and act when I'm mad,
that's just how shit stinks when you care for your sisters.
So yeah I can be a grumpy asshole, the agressive type that never
stops yapping 'bout one topic. But I'd go to hell & back for them,
and it's only with family that I'd swallow my pride.
I may have a status as a bitch, but I'm one of the few bitches
that found a group of chicks that are on the same level.
& if you're one of those types that claim they've known whats real
since time, then you should know how hard this kinda love is to find.
That's why I'mma keep them close,
even closer than my enemies.